Thursday, December 24, 2009

Izzy, een grote Deense dog, overleeft hongerdood in smerige garage Ohio (VS) - Eigenaar tot celstraf veroordeeld en verbod op houden huisdieren

Great Dane left in a garage to starve/ Happy Ending

24-12-2009 Mountain Home News, Idaho, USA

Imagine trying to survive at half your healthy body weight. While a healthy female Great Dane usually weighs 100 to 130 pounds, Izzy, a beautiful white Great Dane, weighed in at only 53 pounds when her owner was reported to a local humane society in Ohio.

Izzy before being rescued/left to starve

Izzy had been cruelly barricaded in a filthy garage. The floor was covered in trash and dark, runny feces -- a sign of malnutrition. There were no windows or ventilation of any kind... and no food or water dishes.

Izzy was barely alive. As soon as Lisa (a humane officer and president of the local humane society) opened the garage door, the emaciated dog staggered out and collapsed. Her gums were white, her eyes were sunken, and her bony body was covered in fleas and ants.

Izzy Finds a Loving Home

Remarkably, Izzy now weighs nearly 100 pounds and is having the time of her life in her loving, new forever home. Her devoted owners always leave food out for her to "graze" on, and even hand-feed her yogurt to aid her digestion. It will certainly be a special holiday season for Izzy and her adoptive family!

As for Izzy's former owner, he was recently convicted of animal cruelty, sentenced to time in jail and prohibited from owning animals in the future.

I wish I could put more then one picture in my blogs because I have a picture of what Izzy looks like now.

(Bron foto: Mountain Home News)

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