Saturday, October 31, 2009
Australische Jennifer Parkhurst blijft vechten voor wet in Queensland om Fraser Island dingo's te beschermen
I have no future and no past, says dingo protester
01-11-2009 The Noosa Journal, Australia
NOOSA: More than two months after government officials stormed her home and seized her possessions in a dawn raid, dingo protection campaigner Jennifer Parkhurst says she’s still in ``limbo’’.
``It feels like I have no past and no present because they’ve taken all of my gear, and no future because I don’t know what will happen,’’ she said.
Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) staff seized the photographer’s camera gear, computer equipment, videos and photos in the dawn raid, which it claims was an investigation into commercial activity and illegal dingo feeding.
The Rainbow Beach woman has led a campaign against the state, accusing it of mismanaging Fraser Island dingoes and allowing ``out of control’’ rangers to illegally kill and haze the dogs claims backed by Noosa MP and shadow environment minister Glen Elmes.
During the raid the state seized years of documentaries into alleged dingo mismanagement. Mr Elmes claims it was the state’s attempt to cover up wrongdoing.
Ms Parkhurst said this week DERM officials claimed they could not copy and return her computer gear because there was too much if it. High-profile civil libertarian Terry O’Gorman earlier called the situation ``unacceptable and oppressive’’.
``They say because there is such a vast amount of material it will take them a long time,’’ Ms Parkhurst said.
``It has destroyed my life I don’t mean to whinge but it has, especially because they were so aggressive,’’ Ms Parkhurst said.
The former whale watching tour guide was this week recording a new `save the dingoes’ song the first project of the newly incorporated association made up of Aboriginal elders, Fraser Island residents, scientists, conservationists and Noosa locals including historian Robyn Wells, established to fight for dingoes’ protection. Recorded by the Badjala Wondari, the CD will be sold online, at the Island’s Aboriginal Cultural Centre and in CD stores.
``The first move is to raise funds so that we can try and get legislation passed in Queensland to protect the dingoes, particularly on Fraser Island,’’ Ms Parkhurst said.
(Bron foto: Noosa Journal)
Binnen tien dagen overlijden in VS in gevangenschap twee zeer zeldzame 'scimitar-horned oryx' - Dieren sterven onder narcose tijdens medische ingreep
2 rare oryx die at National Zoo
31-10-2009 Associated Press, The Washington Examiner, USA
WASHINGTON — The National Zoo says two older Scimitar-horned oryx, which are extinct in the wild, have died.
A 17-year-old female oryx died at the zoo's main campus on Oct. 24. The animal had been anesthetized two days earlier for a routine health assessment, but during her recovery she became agitated. She died while being anesthetized again for an emergency follow-up exam.
A 16-year-old male oryx died at the zoo's Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, Va., on Oct. 14. He died while also being anesthetized for a routine reproductive assessment.
Zoo spokesman Pamela Baker-Masson says it's always risky to anesthetize animals.
Scimitar-horned oryx once lived in northern Africa. The zoo now has one remaining on exhibit and a herd of 13 surviving at its research center.
(Bron foto:
Animals at the Denver zoo (USA) cope with heavy snow
DENVER - Even when practically every student has the day off because of fall break or the snow storm, animals at Denver Zoo are working a full time shift.
So are the employees who care for them.
"We need to make sure the animals are taken care of," said Tiffany Barnhart, director of communications at Denver Zoo. "But once we've got the paths cleared there's no reason not to go ahead and open for the public!"
You heard right. Denver Zoo is actually open to the public every day of the year, assuming there isn't a danger to patrons and staff members. Regardless of the weather, the animals are never left on their own.
"The caring of animals is a top priority, and so many dedicated staff live nearby and come in to make sure those animals have the proper care and training they would normally get every day," said Barnhart.
With Denver Zoo open for business, the animals (many of which have access to indoor and outdoor shelters) were on full display during this week's snow storm. Zebras probably preferred warmer, more African like climate, while the Arctic Foxes and Polar Bears were having a field day with their makeshift winter tundra wonderland.
The visitors came out to the zoo as well, although in limited numbers. Two dozen walked through the gates on Wednesday, while about 50 toured the zoo on Thursday. On a normal weekday, attendance is usually somewhere between three and four-thousand visitors.
"It's a lot of fun teaching these kids, because they can see the zoo at a different time," said James Garcia, a Denver Zoo teacher who toured a group of students Thursday. "They're so used to coming in the summer with their families and the crowds, and in the winter you get to see the animals acting differently. A lot of animals are more active on a day like this!"
Long-distance Animal Transport in Canada: One Cruel Ride
Bill C-468 was introduced on Wednesday, October 28, 2009. It would decrease maximum transport times for farm animals to be in line with those of other industrialized nations.
Currently, Canada's legislation allows animals such as pigs, chickens and horses to be transported for up to 36 hours with no food, water or rest break. Animals like cattle, sheep and goats may be transported up to 52 hours without food, water or a break and may be left for a staggering 81 hours without food.
To learn how you can help Canada's farm animals during transportation, go to: and
Fastest man Usain Bolt to meet fastest animal, a cheetah on monday in Kenya
Jamaican sprinting sensation Usain Bolt arrived in Kenya on Friday morning and will meet his match on Monday when he encounters a cheetah for the first time.
In an interview with NTV, the fastest man on earth still displayed his trademark cool, not least because he won't race an adult cheetah the fastest animal on earth, but simply adopt a cub. Watson Karuma reports.
Insane drive: Leopard rides Audi in Russian city....
One of the main stereotypes about Russia is that bears are everywhere, roaming the country's streets. That's not the case of course, but in one Russian city a large animal was caught lapping up the attention.
Just have a look at these pictures -- a passenger captured a real leopard enjoying a ride in a luxury car.
De boommarter breidt zijn leefgebied in ons land uit
Boommarters op steeds meer plaatsen (her)ontdekt
31-10-2009 Zoogdiervereniging, Natuurbericht
De laatste tijd worden met ‘cameravallen’ steeds vaker boommarters ontdekt op plaatsen waarvan gedacht werd dat ze er niet meer voorkwamen. Bijzonder is bijvoorbeeld dat er nog of weer boommarters in Noord-Brabant en de Achterhoek blijken te leven.
Sinds 2008 wordt op meerdere plaatsen in Nederland gewerkt met cameravallen. Cameravallen zijn camera’s die een foto maken zodra een dier voor de camera beweegt. Dit blijkt een zeer effectief hulpmiddel om vast te stellen of in een gebied boommarters voorkomen en of er voortplanting is.
Het eerste grote nieuws kwam uit Noord-Brabant. In de bossen van de Brabantse Wal ten oosten en zuiden van Bergen op Zoom zijn met de hulp van vrijwilligers en terreinbeheerders in de zomer cameravallen geplaatst. Inmiddels zijn hier op drie locaties boommarters gefotografeerd en gefilmd.
Op twee van deze locaties zijn jonge dieren vastgelegd. Er is dus ook voortplanting. Het onderzoek wordt hier de komende tijd voortgezet in de bossen tegen de Belgische grens en in de omgeving van Zundert. En begin september zijn er cameravallen geplaatst in de bossen van de Maashorst bij Oss en Uden. Hier is in de zomer een grote marter gezien die qua beschrijving heel goed een boommarter geweest kan zijn.
Het tweede grote nieuws kwam uit de Achterhoek. Onderzoek met cameravallen door vrijwilligers, Gelders Landschap, Natuurmonumenten en Staatsbosbeheer van de locale bossen laat zien dat de boommarter hier nog steeds of weer voorkomt. Helaas werden ook twee verkeersslachtoffers gevonden. Dit onderzoek wordt financieel ondersteund door de gemeenten Duiven, Zevenaar en Doetinchem.
In Overijssel laat onderzoek door vrijwilligers en terreinbeheerders met cameravallen, gefinancierd door de provincie, zien dat boommarters wijd verbreid zijn in de moerasbossen van de Wieden en Weerribben. Op de beelden is te zien hoe de boommarters van loopplanken, balken en boomtakken gebruik maken om zich te verplaatsen in dit waterrijke gebied. Doel van het onderzoek is onder meer om te kijken waar wegen een gevaar vormen voor boommarters en welke maatregelen nodig zijn om verkeersslachtoffers onder boommarters en andere dieren te voorkomen.
Ook uit de duinen komen opvallende berichten. De boommarter komt al meer dan 20 jaar voor in de duinen. Tot nu toe was echter niet duidelijk of het hier ging om zwervende exemplaren die de duinen bereikten vanuit de Utrechtse Heuvelrug, of dat de boommarters zichzelf hier in stand hielden door voortplanting. Twee vrijwilligers hebben nu met behulp van cameravallen voor het eerst jonge boommarters vastgesteld in de duinen van Zuid-Holland. Ook blijkt de soort wijder verbreid in Noord- en Zuid-Holland dan eerst gedacht.
Het lijkt alsof dat de boommarter de laatste tien jaar zijn areaal in Nederland uitgebreid heeft. In beperkte mate is dit waarschijnlijk ook het geval. Op veel van de plaatsen waar de boommarter nu herontdekt is, kwam de soort in het verleden voor. Nieuw onderzoek met nieuwe methoden brengt nu aan het licht dat de soort er nog steeds of weer voorkomt. Er heeft in deze gebieden waarschijnlijk al die tijd een zeer kleine populatie geleefd. Deze boommarters zijn al die tijd niet opgemerkt of vaak voor steenmarters aangezien. De grote aantallen verkeersslachtoffers vormen een grote bedreiging voor de toekomst van de boommarter in Nederland. Momenteel is er de herfstpiek: er worden gemiddeld twee boommarterverkeersslachtoffers per dag gemeld op de Nederlandse wegen. Door het verkeer sterft jaarlijks zo’n 15 tot 30 procent van de boommarters in Nederland. Verkeerssterfte bedreigt dus direct de aantallen boommarters en het isoleert de marters die leven in kleinere bosgebieden. Dit verhoogt de kans op uitsterven van lokale boommarterpopulaties sterk.
Het onderzoek door de Zoogdiervereniging naar boommarters wordt gefinancierd door de Gegevens Autoriteit Natuur van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Voedselkwaliteit in het kader van het verspreidingsonderzoek Nederlandse Zoogdieren.
Tijdens gesprek met premier Balkenende beweert premier Yukio Hatoyama (Japan) hekel te hebben aan walvisvlees
31-10-2009 9News MSN, Australia
Japan's Yukio Hatoyama has revealed he dislikes whale meat, a newspaper has reported in an unusual confession for the prime minister of a country that defies Western criticism of whaling.
The Netherlands is one of several anti-whaling countries that allows the radical environmental group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to register a vessel in the country.
The group's activists have repeatedly harassed Japanese whaling vessels in Antarctic waters. During the last hunt a Sea Shepherd vessel collided with a whaling ship, sparking allegations that the group was behaving irresponsibly.
Despite Hatoyama's reported dislike of whale meat he urged Balkenende to take action against the group over its attacks on Japanese whalers in the Antarctic, government officials said.
Japan hunts whales by using a loophole in the 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling that allows research on the creatures but makes no secret of the fact that the meat often ends up on dining tables.
Tokyo often accuses Western critics of insensitivity toward its culture and heritage.
Hatoyama's centre-left government, which took office in October, has deviated little from the pro-whaling policies adopted by the previous administration, which had traditionally close ties with farmers and fishermen.
(Bron foto:
Jagers in Montana (VS) hebben het voorzien op de wolf - Van toegestane quota van 75 zijn nu 36 wolven gedood
Hunters kill 36 of the 75 quota of wolves in MT
31-10-2009 KAJ18, Montanas News Station, USA
Hunters have killed 36 out of the quota of 75 wolves in Montana so far this season.
The first hunter to kill a wolf in Northwestern Montana says it was a once in a lifetime hunt. On opening day Jay Madsen rode his horse into the Whitefish Range near Olney at about 4:30 in the morning.
Before noon he spotted the wolf on the other side of the meadow. The female gray wolf was about 80 to 90 pounds.
"I'm glad we finally got a season for them, and you know they're beautiful animals, and I don't any issues with seeing them, but I think everything needs to be kept in check and the hunting season is good for them," said Jay Madsen.
Madsen says he may also appear in National Geographic because a writer interviewed him when he brought the wolf in to the check station.
Kitten opvang in Britse Newton Abbot, Devon, moet sluiten door recessie - Mogelijk gaan 60 kittens gedood worden: geen alternatieve opvang katjes
Sixty kittens to be put down as rescue centre closes
An animal rescue centre which has been closed by the credit crunch says it may be forced to put down 60 kittens.
31-10-2009 The Daily Telegraph, UK
Officials have failed to find a new home for them.
Each of the animals were found abandoned or homeless and were being cared for at the Decoy Kitten Rescue centre in Newton Abbot, Devon.
It works as an unofficial 'over flow' facility looking after animals when there is no room at other cat homes or the RSPCA.
But staff say because of the recession and dwindling charity donations the home is now closing down.
Around 60 kittens will have to be put down by lethal injection next Wednesday if new owners aren't found.
Kittens which are due to be killed include three week old Sam, Frodo, Bilbo and Sapphire as well as a tabby called Winks.
The rescue centre, a registered charity, was set up three years ago by Claire and John Hardwicke.
Mrs Hardwickie, 37, said: ''It breaks my heart because it feels like we've put these kittens on death row.
"If they have nowhere else to live we'll have no choice but to put them to sleep. I just can't bear it.
''The RSPCA can't take them because they're full - we are usually the overflow for them.
''The credit crunch has been an absolute nightmare for animal charities.
"So many people have been dumping their animals because of the recession and also donations are way down.
"It's also meant there have been a lot more unwanted kittens because people can't afford to pay for vet's bills.
''We don't know what to do - we are so desperate. We were last hope for these kittens - they have nowhere else to go. It's a nightmare.''
A spokesman for the RSPCA said its officers had visited the facility but confirmed its centres were full and a cull would not be illegal.
(Bron foto: Daily Telegraph)
China houdt de sleutel voor bescherming bedreigde tijger - 14 Tijger'boerderijen' met in totaal 6000 tijgers in China
For the tiger, a year closer to extinction
31-10-2009 By Deepesh Shrestha (AFP), Agence France Presse
KATHMANDU — Next year, according to the Chinese calendar, is the Year of the Tiger but conservationists say the omens are inauspicious for an animal on the brink of extinction. If anything, the tiger's year in the Chinese zodiac may hasten its demise, conservationists fear, with festive demand for its skin and body parts encouraging poachers to hunt the few animals that still remain in the wild.
"The Year of the Tiger will put more pressure on wild tigers," Michael Baltzer, head of the WWF Tiger Initiative, told AFP during a tiger conservation conference held in Kathmandu which wound up on Friday.
"The use of tiger parts in traditional Chinese medicine has fallen, but the trend of giving tiger parts as gifts and souvenirs is growing," Baltzer said, adding that he expected this demand to increase next year.
"There is a certain consumer group who want to use tiger parts to show how wealthy they are, as a status symbol, and this group of people is increasing."
Experts from the lobby group Save the Tiger Fund estimate that only 3,200 tigers survive in the wild, down from 100,000 a century ago, mainly due to poaching and loss of habitat in south and southeast Asia.
Although tiger hunting is illegal worldwide and the international trade in tiger parts is banned under a treaty binding 167 countries -- including China -- experts say the illicit trade is still flourishing.
Despite officially banning the trade in tiger body parts in 1993, China has 6,000 tigers on 14 farms across the country, said Li Zhang, programme director of Conservation International in Beijing.
These farms are able to produce around 1,000 cubs annually.
China has been pushing for an agreement to resume trade in tiger products and delegates at Kathmandu conference say its officials raised the issue at the conference.
Chinese officials at the conference, which was organised by the Global Tiger Initiative, an alliance of governments, NGOs and the private sector, declined to comment to the media.
Tiger skins, which fetch high prices in China and elsewhere in Asia, are used for furniture and decoration, while body parts are used in traditional medicine and aphrodisiacs. In China, the animal is also a symbol of power, energy and bravery, as well as good luck.
Huang Lixin, president of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, told AFP in Kathmandu that the threat to tigers posed by the Year of the Tiger, which will start on February 14, was real.
"Owning tiger skins in China is becoming a status symbol, a luxury item," she said. "Chinese consumers will want tiger bones or tiger wine and liquor, or tiger skins, to celebrate the year."
At last week's conference, which drew more than 200 delegates from 20 countries, delegates said Chinese officials had argued that tiger farming could reduce pressure on the wild population, which in China is a mere 50 animals.
The idea is that body parts from captive tigers would satisfy domestic demand and reduce the market for poachers who hunt wild tigers.
But conservationists opposed to this say it would send the wrong signal by suggesting that the use of tiger parts is acceptable.
"The tiger farms in China pose a grave danger to the last remaining wild tigers. Every day there are more tigers on the farms and fewer in the wild," Judy Mills, coordinator of the International Tiger Coalition, told AFP.
"Their mere existence encourages demand for tiger parts. It is causing poachers and traders to stockpile skins and bones of wild tigers," she said.
"If China ever decides to lift the ban, it will stimulate market demand and the world will lose all the tigers in the wild," said Mahendra Shrestha, programme director of Save the Tiger Fund.
"If you commercialise tigers, it will create bigger demand. That's the end of wild tigers because we simply don't have the resources to protect them," said John Seidensticker, a scientist from the Smithsonian Institution's National Zoological Park.
"China holds the key to tiger conservation. If China cracks down on illegal trade, they will save wild tigers and we know they have the capacity to do that."
(Bron & foto's:
Friday, October 30, 2009
Europa's enige krokodillenboerderij is in Britse Old Hurst, Cambridgeshire - Krokodillen gefokt voor hun vlees
Business booming for Britain's first crocodile farm
as diners snap up latest exotic delicacy
30-10-2009 By James Tozerm The Daily Mail, UK
Instead, farmer Andy Johnson had to risk life and limb when it was time to move his livestock to new quarters - seven very large and very angry crocodiles weighing as much as 400lbs each.
The African reptiles are being fattened up to be sold for meat at Europe's first crocodile farm in rural Cambridgeshire, but had outgrown their existing pool complex.
So with just a length of insulating tape keeping the bad-tempered reptiles' bone-crushing jaws shut, Mr Johnson and a group of brave volunteers - including his own wife - set about carrying them the 50 yards to their new home.
Fortunately, despite their struggles, none made a dash for it - although the farmer suffered a loose tooth from being headbutted by one of the crocs and a cut arm, while his wife Tracey's shirt was torn in the carefully-planned operation.
Tonight all seven - the largest of which measures 10ft from nose to tail - were settling into their £60,000 specially-built enclosure, featuring underfloor heating, viewing windows and pool for baby crocodiles.
But not before Mr Johnson had been taught a lesson never to underestimate his scaly livestock's cunning ways.
'I never expected crocodiles to be so clever,' the relieved farmer said after surviving more or less unscathed.
'They are really good at picking up on people's emotions and can sense fear. Never trust crocodiles, as they are super quick.'
Mr Johnson has been keeping Nile crocodiles at Church Farm in Old Hurst near Huntingdon since 2006, but has yet to begin the breeding programme which will enable him to start selling their meat from his on-site shop.
So once the brand-new complex was completed, he and his team set about the perilous task of moving them.
That involved Mr Johnson jumping on their backs, forcing their gaping jaws shut with a stick, and then taping them closed - all without getting too close to their teeth.
With the help of his wife and a group of strong-nerved friends, they were then carried one by one to their new home.
The most troublesome was Romeo, the 418lb (190kg) male, who threw 'a tantrum' on the way, leading to Mr Johnson's damaged tooth.
But he insisted: 'It went like clockwork - I did think that someone could end up with stitches, but I didn't think anybody would lose an arm or anything.'
Once they have settled in, visitors will also be able to watch rural Cambridgeshire's first crocodile colony for the first time thanks to viewing windows.
'The replacement crocodile breeding enclosure is much better suited to their needs as it is much bigger and brighter,' Mr Johnson said. 'They had outgrown their old home.'
While exotic meats such as ostrich and buffalo introduced in the 1990s never really caught on, he believes that by undercutting imported crocodile flesh - which fetches between £8 and £10 per pound - he can find a market among shoppers who want something healthy and original.
'Crocodile can be eaten as a meat steak or even spare ribs. It's white, low fat meat with the grain of fish.
'Some people say it is similar to chicken, but it's not, it tastes of crocodile.'
Crocodile meat - the facts
Crocodile and alligator are widely eaten in Asia, Africa, South America and Australia.
In China it is credited with curing a range of ailments, including asthma or even cancer.
Some diners describe the taste of crocodile meat as resembling chicken.
Prince William tried it on a date with Kate Middleton in 2006.
Low in cholesterol and high in protein.
Recipes include seasoned crocodile pieces sauteed with slices of mango topped with a sauce made from a mixture of basil, parsley, garlic and olive oil.
Sainsbury's began importing crocodile from Australia in the 1990s in the hope they would appeal to customers put off beef by the BSE scare.
Farmed crocodiles are usually slaughtered when they reach around six years old.
(Bron foto's: Daily Mail)
BUSTED: Illegal Dog Breeding in Lake Elsinore, California (USA)
LCA's SIU investigated the possible location of an alleged illegal dog dealer who supplied puppies to numerous Los Angeles pet stores.
Based on our finding, LCA and Humane Officers from Animal Friends of the Valley, raided the dog seller's location.
The seized dogs were transported to Animal Friends of the Valley shelter in Lake Elsinore.
To help LCA continue it's investigations into illegal dog breeding, please donate generously.
Rusland en China gaan samenwerken om Amur (Siberische) tijgers en Amur luipaarden te beschermen
Russia, China launch joint project to protect
tigers, leopards
30-10-2009 RIA Novosti, Russia
MOSCOW, October 30 (RIA Novosti) - Russia and China have started a joint program on the conservation of Amur tigers and Amur leopards in the Far East, the World Wildlife Fund announced on Friday.
The program, set up with the assistance of the WWF, got going in Russia's Primorye Territory and China's Jilin Province following the signing of an agreement between the countries on Thursday.
The sides acknowledged the importance of joint programs in restoring wild animal populations in cross-border regions, and the agreement stipulates ways to protect the Amur tiger and Amur leopard populations and preserve their habitats.
"We put in a lot of effort to support to a program that we have worked on for almost 10 years together with WWF China, and scientific and public environmental organizations," WWF Amur department director Yury Darman said.
Amur tigers, also known as Siberian tigers, are the largest subspecies of tigers, growing to over 3 meters in length and weighing up to 300 kilograms. They are on the World Conservation Union's critically endangered status list, and there are only about 500 of them left in the wild. Since 2006, poachers are known to have killed around 10 in Russia's Far East.
Amur leopards, which are native to the Russian Far East and also the mountainous areas of the taiga, are at extremely high risk of extinction, with only around 40 animals remaining in the world.
(Bron foto: RIA Novosti)
NASA gebruikt doodshoofdaapjes voor stralings experimenten
NASA to Irradiate Monkeys
Horrible Animal Experiments or a Sign of Progress?
30-10-2009 Written by Daniel Hohler, Planetsave
When I first read the news that NASA was going to start experimenting on monkeys with radiation to study the effects of deep space travel, my heart sunk. As an anthropologist who has studied non-human primates I have seen up close the emotions, the feelings, and the physical qualities we share with our evolutionary cousins. My mind went back to shooting chimps into space, not caring if they lived or died. To cruel (and now illegal) experiments of all kinds performed on chimps.
Now NASA is planing to irradiate squirrel monkeys. Scientists are particularly interested in studying how the radiation impacts the monkeys’ central nervous systems and behaviors over time. Messing with the monkeys brains. Oh great!
As I kept reading the article though, I started to see that maybe we have made some progress after all. For the new study, 18 to 28 squirrel monkeys will be exposed to a low dose of the type of radiation that astronauts traveling to Mars can expect to encounter. Low dose… well maybe that isn’t so bad.
The animals, which will not be killed, will remain at McLean Hospital, where they will be overseen by veterinarians and staff. They will not be killed. This is really quite amazing considering our past with not a care in the world if the subjects of our human animal experiments lives or dies.
NASA stated in an email:
“McLean Hospital is responsible for the lifetime care of the primates, no further research is planned for them at this time.”
So the animals will be cared for once the experiments are done, but this leaves the questions: what kind of conditions will the animals be living in once the experiments are done? Should they have been taken away from their natural environment in the first place? Are these studies worth it?
So, I leave you with the question. Have we as a culture made progress in conducting animal research to the point at which it is acceptable, or are these still just horrible animal experiments?
(Bron foto: Planetsave)
Nertsenfokker Hissink in Gelderse Barchem na 10 jaar weer doelwit dierenactivisten - Nationale Recherche voorkomst massale bevrijdingsactie nertsen
Dierenactivisten lopen in de val
30-10-2009 Ravage Digitaal
De Nationale Recherche heeft woensdagnacht in samenwerking met de regiopolitie Noord- en Oost-Gelderland een nertsenbevrijdingsactie deels weten te verhinderen. Hierbij werd een van de activisten aangehouden.
Een groep van naar schatting vier of vijf dierenactivisten brak woensdagnacht in bij de pelsdierfokkerij van Hissink aan de Vordenseweg in het Gelderse plaatsje Barchem. Ze slaagden erin de hokken open te zetten van circa 5.000 van de in totaal 20.000 nertsen, zo meldt het Openbaar Ministerie. Door tijdig optreden van de politie werd voorkomen dat de activisten openingen in de omheining van de fokkerij wisten te knippen.
Bij de politie-actie werd één van de activisten aangehouden, een 33-jarige vrouw met een Duitse nationaliteit. Opvallend genoeg konden de overige activisten de benen nemen. Donderdagochtend werd de woning van de verdachte in Hilversum doorzocht, alsmede een woning in Amsterdam. De Nationale Recherche hoopt hiermee aanwijzingen te vinden waaruit moet blijken dat de vrouw bij meerdere dierenacties betrokken is geweest. Het OM vermoedt dat dit het geval is.
De loslopende nertsen op het terrein van de fokkerij werden gevangen en afgemaakt. Volgens de Nederlandse Federatie van Edelpelsdierhouders (NFE) is het ongewenst de nertsen terug in de hokken te plaatsen, aangezien de kans van inteelt groot is. Dit lijkt welhaast een gezocht argument om de actie meer negatieve impact te geven. Rond deze tijd worden de 4,5 miljoen gefokte nertsen in ons land sowieso op een leeftijd van acht maanden anaal geëlektrocuteerd of vergast om vervolgens te worden gevild.
Het is de eerste keer in Nederland dat nertsenbevrijders op heterdaad worden betrapt. Voorkennis bij de Nationale Recherche, dat het onderzoek naar 'dierenrechtenextremisme' sinds begin dit jaar heeft geïntensiveerd, ligt voor de hand. Eerder dit jaar pakte de Nationale Recherche drie verdachten op, die betrokken zouden zijn geweest bij een bevrijdingsactie in het Zeeuwse Stavenisse.
De nertsenfokkerij van Hissink in Bachem werd rond de eeuwwisseling frequent bezocht door activisten van het Dieren Bevrijdings Front. September 1999 werden de hokken van 8.000 nertsen opengezet, en een gedeelte van de omheining vernield zodat de nertsen konden ontsnappen. In de nacht van 2 op 3 maart 2000 werd de actie herhaald. De dierenvrienden vonden het "een mooie nacht om onze vriend Hissink in Barchem weer eens op te zoeken".
Augustus van dat jaar betraden dierenactivisten wederom het inmiddels elektronisch beveiligde terrein om twee schuren in brand te steken waar het bedieningspaneel van het beveiligingssysteem zich bevond en werkmateriaal werd gestald. De activisten waren dermate brutaal, dat ze een nacht later terugkeerden om alsnog de hokken open te zetten. De beveiliging werkte niet meer…
In Nederland worden vanaf het begin van de twintigste eeuw nertsen in detentie gehouden. Ons land produceert momenteel rond de 4,5 miljoen nertsenpelzen in circa 200 fokkerijen. Een meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer is voor een verbod op het fokken van nertsen. D66, GroenLinks, PvdA, Partij voor de Dieren, PVV en SP willen dat de nertsenfokkerij in Nederland in de periode tot 2018 wordt afgebouwd.
(Bron: )
(Bron foto: Ravage Digitaal)
Fotograaf Bryant Austin legt bedreigde walvissen op gevoelige plaat vast
30-10-2009 Huffington Post Eve Solomon, USA
Marine Mammal Conservation Through The Arts is producing a documentary about Bryant Austin, a photographer whose life-size photographs of endangered whale species are touring the world and inspiring awareness about these amazing animals.
Austin free dives and gets within 6 feet of the whales, often spending months developing relationships with them.
Check out this slideshow of some of Austin's photos and be sure to vote for your favorite! Also take a look at the trailer for the documentary about him.
(Bron & foto's:
4.251 Beren in Japan gedood sinds april dit jaar.....- Dieren zouden bedreiging zijn voor mens en gewassen
Japanners zijn in recordtempo beren aan het
30-10-2009 Het Laatste Nieuws, Belgium
Sinds april zijn in Japan 4.251 beren gedood omdat ze "een bedreiging vormden voor mensen en voor gewassen". In 2008 waren het er 4.340. De schattingen van hoeveel ursus thibetanus japonicus of tsukinowaguma's er nog in Japan over zijn varieert: tussen 8.400 en 15.000.
"Even kalm aan doen"
De meeste van de beren worden gedood door jagers, wat overigens perfect legaal is. De Japanse overheid is niet verder gegaan dan een "vriendelijk verzoek" aan de jagers om "het even kalm aan te doen want het aantal beren is gedaald".
Slechte reputatie
De meeste Japanners zijn niet zo tuk op beren. Ze hebben de reputatie gevaarlijk te zijn, mensen aan te vallen en te doden. Sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog is dat laatste drie keer gebeurd en werden 136 Japanners verwond door een beer. Het imago van de beren kreeg een paar weken geleden nog een deuk toen in de Japanse stad Nyukawa, op zo'n 200 kilometer van Tokio, negen mensen gewond raakte toen een beer de aanval opende op een buslading toeristen aan een servicestation naast een snelweg.
Meer confrontaties
De beren moeten er dus maar allemaal aan in naam van de openbare veiligheid. Japan - 12 keer groter dan België - is één van de dichtsbevolkte landen ter wereld met 337 inwoners per km2. Dat er überhaupt nog beren leven is te danken aan het feit dat 73 procent van de natie te bergachtig is om te wonen voor de bijna 130 miljoen Japanners.
De jongste jaren zijn er echter steeds meer confrontaties tussen de beren en mensen. Dat komt omdat de dieren geen eten meer vinden in de bossen.
(Bron foto: archief Kraaijer)
Uit een ranch in Zimbabwe geredde negen olifanten verhuizen naar wildpark - Dieren werden op ranch 'getraind' (lees: mishandeld) voor safari industrie
Rescued ellies return to wild
30-10-2009 News24, South Africa
Cape Town - Nine elephants rescued earlier this year from a ranch in Zimbabwe where they were being "trained" for use in the safari industry, are to be moved to a national park in that country, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) said on Friday.
"The elephants were confiscated in April... after an inspection by the Zimbabwe National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals found cruel and torturous methods were being used to 'tame and train' them for the elephant-back safari industry," it said in a statement.
The animals - there were originally ten, but one had died of malnutrition and abuse - had been subjected to the most appalling cruelty "in the name of servicing an indefensible form of safari industry".
An IFAW team would now transport the nine elephants to safety.
"The elephants will be transported from a privately owned ranch in the West Nicholson area, south of Bulawayo, where the elephants were being 'trained', to Hwange National Park, some 700km further east."
IFAW said the Zimbabwe NSPCA had discovered several abuses during their inspection earlier this year. These included, among others, severe injuries to the animals' legs, caused by chains, and restricted access to both food and water.
"The translocation of the elephants will begin on Monday [November 2] and has been mandated by the government of Zimbabwe.
"The elephants will be darted and transported in a single group to Hwange National Park overnight, before being released into a large rehabilitation boma for monitoring before eventually being released into the park," it said.
Duiven 'uithonger-tactiek' gemeente Tilburg drijft de duif naar voorbijgangers met eten in de handen....
Tilburgers niet blij met uitgehongerde duiven
30-10-2009 De Telegraaf
TILBURG - De duiven in de binnenstad van Tilburg worden steeds brutaler. Nu de gemeente een vervoerverbod heeft ingesteld pikken de uitgehongerde vogels het eten uit de handen van voorbijgangers.
Tilburg ging tot de maatregel over omdat uit onderzoek blijkt dat hoe meer voedsel er beschikbaar is, hoe meer duiven er komen. "Door het voeren van duiven of het achterlaten van etensresten is het voedselaanbod kunstmatig verhoogd. Daarom wijst de gemeente plaatsen aan waar het verboden is duiven te voeren of etensresten achter te laten", aldus de gemeente.
Inwoners van de stad klagen nu echter dat de uitgehongerde beesten zo brutaal zijn geworden dat eten gewoon uit hun handen worden gepikt.
(Bron foto:
Zeldzame kantjil ziet levenslicht in dierentuin Artis, Amsterdam
Artis verwelkomt Kantjil
30-10-2009 Het Parool
AMSTERDAM - Artis heeft een kantjil mogen verwelkomen. Het beestje is geboren in het Kleine Zoogdierenhuis, maakte de Amsterdamse dierentuin donderdag bekend.
Kantjils zijn zeer schuwe dieren die leven op de bosbodems van het tropische regenwoud in Zuidoost-Azië. Ze zijn sterk bedreigd.
Artis coördineert een Europees fokprogramma om ervoor te zorgen dat de beesten niet uitsterven.
De nieuwe bewoner is voor het publiek moeilijk te zien, omdat jonge kantjils zich de eerste dagen na de geboorte verstoppen onder een stenen afdakje of struik. (ANP)
(Bron foto: Parool)
Ulema's in Madura (Indonesië) protesteren tegen dierenmishandeling tijdens koeienraces ('karapan sapi')
Ulema protests torture against racing cows
30-10-2009 Indra Harsaputra , THE JAKARTA POST, Pamekasan, Indonesia
A number of ulemas in Madura have been urging the regional administration to issue bylaws against the use of torture on cows used in the traditional karapan sapi (cow race).
Munif Sayuti, one of the ulemas, said he acknowledged the race was a source of pride for the Madurese. Yet, he added, some ulemas had declared it was haram (prohibited under Islamic teaching) to use torture to encourage the cows to win the race.
He said that a number of methods used to make the cows run faster inflicted harm upon the animals. Applying heating balm to a cows' anus and eyes and beating them with nailed sticks are some commonly used methods.
"The ulemas do not want to ban karapan as it is part of Madurese culture. What we won't allow is physical violence both against animals and human beings," Munif told The Jakarta Post in Pamekasan, Madura, East Java.
Munif said that calls to avoid violence against racing cows had began a few years ago, but no action had been taken.
Torture against racing cows has continued, including during the recent karapan for the President Trophy held at Soenarto Hadiwidjojo Stadium in Pamekasan last Sunday.
"The 24 participants still used nailed sticks to beat the cows to make them run furiously. Unfortunately, the local administration and the organizing committee seemed to have turned a blind eye to the matter," Munif said.
He suggested that to prevent further violence from being committed in the future, a bylaw was needed.
According to Pamekasan historian Sulaiman Sadik, karapan sapi was first introduced by Prince Katandur of Sapudi Island, Sumenep, in the 13th century, and was named karapan salaga, to refer to the traditional cow-ridden plow used by farmers in the region.
At that time, only whips were used to encourage the cows to run faster. "In its development, however, karapan has become a form of animal torture. That's why we want to preserve the race by returning it to its original form," Sulaiman said.
Speaker of the Pamekasan Legislature Council Iskandar, said his office had been receiving complaints from both activists in Madura and tourists visiting the region regarding the use of torture in the karapan race.
This, he said, had resulted in a constant decrease in the number of tourist visits to the island over the past few years.
"The interest in seeing karapan sapi is still high among the Madurese, as shown by the number of people flocking to such events," Iskandar said.
"Yet, if we observe it much closer, fewer foreign tourists have been enjoying it lately," he added.
Iskandar said his office planned to conduct a publicity program both among the owners of the cows and other related parties to help eliminate the torture of cows in the traditional race.
Katijo, a cow owner in Pamekasan, however, expressed pessimism that eliminating torture in karapan would be successful as each cow owner wanted their animal to win.
"The cows that are beaten with nailed sticks and applied with balm run much faster than those that are only whipped," Katijo said.
Volgens Britse 'Buglife' leven ruim 750 miljoen spinnen in Verenigd Koninkrijk
More than 750 million spiders in UK
Every home in Britain has at least 30 spiders crawling around, according to the first national survey of the insects.
30-10-2009 By Louise Gray, The Daily Telegraph, UK
Favourable breeding conditions over the autumn mean that spiders and daddy longlegs have thrived this year. In the first public survey, hundreds of members of the public overcame agoraphobia to record 13,265 sightings. Buglife, the insect conservation charity that organised the count, said this equated to 750 million spiders around the country - or at least 30 spiders in every house or garden.
The most common species, being recorded by nine out of ten of participants, was the garden cross spider. In Nottingham 150 of the spiders were recorded in one garden and in Lancashire a new world record may have been set by a spider's web measuring 15ft across.
Spiders were also found indoors, with 43 common house spiders spotted in one house in Norfolk.
Daddy longlegs were recorded in Scotland and North East of England, suggesting the species is moving north with climate change. In the south the species is thriving with 315 counted by one person in Cambridgeshire.
Bronzed tube web spiders, that give off an iridescent green glow, were found inside a cavity wall in Bristol. Other rare species included spitting spiders, stripy zebra jumping spiders and purse spiders - the only relation to the tarantula found in Britain.
Sarah Henshall of Buglife said most houses will have more than 30 spiders in them since the survey only shows those insects people are able to spot.
“In autumn people often become more aware of spiders – large, conspicuous house spiders are actively searching for mates and Garden cross spiders are getting fat with eggs," she said. "Spiders are amazing animals that live fascinating and useful lives."
(Bron foto: Daily Telegraph)
Bewoners Changfeng in Hainan provincie (China) mogen tegen betaling uit fokboerderij ontsnapte krokodillen doden
Villagers told to kill escaped crocodiles in Hainan
30-10-2009 China Daily, China
Eighteen of 46 crocodiles, which escaped from a breeding farm in Changfeng Town of south China’s Hainan province on October 21, are still at large, attached to Hainan Daily Corporation reported Thursday.
The farm said only eight crocodiles escaped at first, but villagers in the area doubted the figure.
After a thorough investigation initiated by the local government, it was discovered that 46 crocodiles had escaped, 20 of which had already been caught by the farm and eight of which had been caught or killed by villagers.
People can get a reward of 200 yuan ($29) if they capture a crocodile, and villagers are also encouraged to kill the deadly animal without being prosecuted, according to a notice published by the government.
(Bron foto: China Daily)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nationale recherche betrapt 33-jarige vrouw in Barchem tijdens bevrijdingsactie nertsen uit fokkerij
Activiste betrapt bij actie nertsen
29-10-2009 Van onze verslaggever Caspar Janssen, De Volkskrant
Amsterdam - De nationale recherche heeft in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag een 33-jarige vrouw op heterdaad betrapt en aangehouden tijdens een actie van dierenrechtenextremisten bij een nertsenfokker in het Gelderse Barchem.
Het is volgens het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) de eerste keer dat een dierenrechtenextremist tijdens een actie is betrapt. Volgens het OM vernielde een onbekend aantal mensen honderden hokken van de fokkerij.
Vijfduizend pelsdieren ontsnapten en verspreidden zich over het bedrijfsterrein. Deze nertsen moeten worden afgemaakt, omdat ze niet kunnen worden teruggeplaatst, aldus justitie.
Het landelijk parket zegt dat het ingrijpen van de politie heeft voorkomen dat er nog eens vijftienduizend nertsen werden losgelaten. ‘De politie was net op tijd om deze mevrouw op te pakken en erger te voorkomen, en bijna op tijd om alle daders aan te houden’, zegt een woordvoerder. ‘De daders hadden ook geen tijd meer om het hek rond het bedrijf te vernielen.’
De aanhouding is volgens het parket ‘een direct gevolg van permanent onderzoek naar dierenrechtenextremisten. We wachten niet meer alleen maar de incidenten af.’ Sinds eind vorig jaar bestaat er een speciaal politieteam dat zich bezighoudt met de opsporing van dierenrechtenextremisten. Eerder dit jaar werd al een aanhouding verricht na een bevrijdingsactie van nertsen in Zeeland.
De nu gearresteerde vrouw komt uit Hilversum en heeft de Duitse nationaliteit. Rechercheurs hebben donderdag haar woning doorzocht naar bewijzen voor de betrokkenheid van de vrouw bij dierenrechtenextremisme. Ook werd er huiszoeking gedaan in een woning in Amsterdam. Onbekend is nog of er verbanden zijn met brandstichtingen in Hilversum en Wassenaar, eind vorig jaar. Toen gingen de auto’s in vlammen op van medewerkers van Euronext, de beurs die aandelen verhandelt van een Brits proefdierenbedrijf.
De fokkerij in Barchem was in 1999 ook al doelwit van ‘dierenbevrijders’. Toen ontsnapten achtduizend dieren. De eigenaar wilde donderdag niet reageren.
(Bron foto: archief Kraaijer)
Nederlandse schapenexporteur vervoert illegaal levende lammeren via veerdienst van Dover (Engeland) naar Calais (Frankrijk)
Handelswijze exporteur schapen in onderzoek
29-10-2009 Agrarisch Dagblad
Het Britse ministerie van Landbouw onderzoekt de handelswijze van een Nederlandse schapenexporteur. Dierenorganisatie Kent Against Live Export (Kale) beschuldigt de exporteur van het illegaal transporteren van lammeren van Engeland naar Frankrijk.
De exporteur wil niet met zijn naam in de krant. Hij heeft ruim 300 lammeren in een gesloten vrachtwagen via een veerdienst van Dover naar Calais vervoerd. Hij laat weten dat hij zich niet schuldig heeft gemaakt aan onrechtmatig handelen. "Zowel de auto, chauffeur als de dieren voldeden aan de Europese regelgeving." Het dierenwelzijn was volgens hem niet in gevaar.
Probleem is volgens de veehandelaar dat de diverse veerdiensten tussen Dover en Calais weigeren lammeren bestemd voor de slacht te vervoeren. Toen onderweg van Dover naar Calais bleek dat er levende lammeren werden vervoerd in plaats van verpakt vlees, besloot de rederij de vrachtwagen niet van het schip te laten.
In Engeland werd de transporteur opgewacht door de Engelse autoriteiten die een verder onderzoek aankondigden. Ook de Nederlandse Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit is om informatie gevraagd. Volgens de Nederlandse transporteur hebben betreffende rederijen het recht niet om de export van slachtlammeren te weigeren. "Zij bieden toch een publieke dienst aan?"
Engeland stond vooral in de jaren 90 bij de veehandel bekend om zijn fanatieke dierenactivisten. Bij de veerdiensten verzamelden zich grote groepen activisten om te demonstreren tegen de export van levende dieren.
De rederijen zouden uit vrees voor ordeverstoring en onder druk van de publieke opinie hebben besloten de transporten van dieren voor de slacht te weigeren. "Het is in het belang van de dieren dat we ze op deze manier vervoeren", vertelt de anonieme veehandelaar.
Als de transporteur kiest voor een alternatieve oplossing zou dit de reistijd aanzienlijk verlengen. De transporteur ziet de uitkomst van het onderzoek met vertrouwen tegemoet.
LOST TAPES: White River Monster (AnimalPlanet)
For More Creature Profiles Check Out:
The White River Monster is an alleged "dinosaur fish," a living fossil as long as a boat and as strong as an elephant seal. Is it lurking in White River?
LOST TAPES airs Tuesdays at 10PM e/p only on Animal Planet
Drie maanden jonge wees baby makaak in Thaise tempel Chiang Mai provincie vindt maatje in hond
CUTENESS ALERT: orphan baby monkey
rides a dog
29-10-2009 Metro, UK
A three-month-old Macaque monkey rides on the back of a temple dog called Tan, inside Tung Luang Buddhist temple in Thailand's Chiang Mai province.
Hang on tight: the orphaned monkey goes for a ride on Tan's back
The orphaned baby monkey has been adopted by Buddhist monks after its mother was shot dead by a hunter.
Tan has befriended it and even shares his food with the orphan.
All together now: aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
(Bron foto: Metro)
Vietnam schermt 2000 ha land af in Ha Giang provincie ter bescherming zeer zeldzame snub-nosed langurs
Ha Giang zones off land to preserve rare primate
29-10-2009 Radio The Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam
The northern mountainous province of Ha Giang has decided to zone off over 2,000 ha of land to create a nature reserve to

The reserve is in Khau Ca forest and covers Tung Ba and Thuan Hoa communes in Vi Xuyen district, Minh Son commune in Bac Me district and Du Gia commune in Yen Minh district.
The forest is estimated to have about 100 snub-nosed langurs, the largest community of the species.
In the province’s Tung Vai and Cao Ma Po communes, Quan Ba district, there are nearly 20 snub-nosed langurs.
(Bron foto: VOV News)
33-Jarige vrouw op heterdaad betrapt tijdens bevrijdingsactie nertsen uit fokkerij in Barchem...- 5000 nertsen moeten na ontsnapping worden gedood....
Aanhouding tijdens actie tegen nertsenfokkerij
29-10-2009 De Pers
De nationale recherche heeft in samenwerking met de regiopolitie in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag op heterdaad een 33-jarige vrouw aangehouden tijdens een actie van dierenrechtenextremisten bij een nertsenfokker in het Gelderse Barchem. Dat meldde het landelijk parket van het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) donderdag.
Volgens het OM vernielde een onbekend aantal extremisten honderden hokken van de fokkerij. Daardoor ontsnapten ongeveer vijfduizend pelsdieren. Deze nertsen moeten worden afgemaakt, omdat ze niet kunnen worden teruggeplaatst in hokken, laat justitie weten. Het landelijk parket zegt dat het ingrijpen van de politie heeft voorkomen dat er nog eens 15.000 nertsen konden worden bevrijd.
Dezelfde fokkerij was in 1999 ook al doelwit. Toen lieten extremisten achtduizend dieren ontsnappen.
Behalve de vrouw wisten de andere daders in het donker te ontkomen. De nationale recherche probeert nu uit te zoeken wie dat waren, zodat deze personen ook kunnen worden opgepakt.
De vrouw die is gearresteerd, komt uit Hilversum. Ze heeft de Duitse nationaliteit. Rechercheurs hebben donderdag haar woning doorzocht, op bezoek naar bewijzen voor de betrokkenheid van de vrouw bij dierenrechtenextremisme. Ook is er vanwege de actie in Barchem nog in een woning in Amsterdam huiszoeking gedaan.
Inlichtingendienst AIVD constateerde in april dat het dierenrechtenactivisme in Nederland de afgelopen jaren steeds gewelddadiger is geworden. Er is sprake van een vorm van extremisme op het gebied van dierenrechten die nog gefragmenteerd, maar wel groeiende is, aldus de inlichtingendienst.
De AIVD ziet dat er verwevenheid is tussen openbare activiteiten van organisaties die voor dierenrechten opkomen en extremisten die illegaal opereren. In de organisaties die de wet niet overtreden, zitten volgens de dienst ook personen die zich ondergronds wel aan gewelddadige acties schuldig maken. De slachtoffers van misdrijven van dierenrechtenextremisten ervaren die als zeer bedreigend. Maar het voorkomen ervan is moeilijk, constateert de AIVD.
Twee politiepaarden in Harlow (Engeland) gewond geraakt door aanval Staffordshire bull terrier
Police horses hurt in dog attack
29-10-2009 BBC News, UK
A Staffordshire bull terrier-type dog has attacked and wounded two police horses on patrol in Essex. Rosie and Toffee were on a routine patrol in Northgate, Harlow, on Wednesday when they were attacked by the dog, which was not on a lead.
The horses bolted with the dog still attached to one of them. The riders were thrown causing minor injuries.
A 43-year-old woman from Harlow has been arrested on suspicion of being out of control of a dangerous dog.
The horses were finally stopped further down the road.
The male rider, aged 35, and a 43-year-old female rider, were taken to hospital in Harlow.
They received treatment for bruising and are now recovering at home.
The horses are being treated by vets.
Rosie has serious wounds and will be detained for at least five days while Toffee has received stitches for wounds but should be back at the stables in a few days.
A decision on the future of the dog has not yet been taken.
Albatros vliegt achter orka's aan om voedsel te delen - Wetenschappers Engeland en Japan plaatsen cameraatjes op vogels
Pictures show how albatrosses and killer whales
share meals
29-10-2009 Cordis
Albatrosses and killer whales may seem to make strange bedfellows but researchers in Japan and the UK have discovered how these large seabirds feed alongside the ocean's biggest members of the dolphin family. Presented in the PLoS (Public Library of Science) ONE journal, unique pictures retrieved from the cameras placed on the albatrosses' backs shed light on how these birds feed on food scraps left by the marine mammals.
The researchers from the Cambridge-based British Antarctic Survey and the National Institute of Polar Research in Japan attached a miniature digital camera to the back of four black-browed albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophrys) breeding on Bird Island, South Georgia in the Southern Atlantic Ocean.
According to the scientists, albatrosses travel for many kilometres across the open ocean to find and feed upon their prey. 'Despite the growing number of studies concerning their foraging behaviour, relatively little is known about how albatrosses actually locate their prey,' the authors of the study wrote.
By using a combined animal-borne camera and depth data logger on the free-ranging birds, the scientists effectively showed how a number of the albatrosses actively followed a killer whale (Orcinus orca) and fed on the food scraps that the huge mammal did not consume.
The Japanese group Little Leonardo Co. Ltd manufactured the innovative, lightweight camera, which was removed from the birds when they returned to their breeding ground following their food-search jaunts. The camera, with the capacity to store around 10,000 images, had depth and temperature sensors, and was 22 millimetres (mm) in diameter, 132 mm in length, and weighed 82 grams in the air (i.e. less than 2.7% of the body mass of the study's birds). A total of 28,000 images were obtained from 3 of the 4 cameras used (1 was not retrieved).
'The camera images together with the depth profiles showed that the birds dived only occasionally, but that they actively dived when other birds or the killer whale were present,' the research showed. 'This association with diving predators or other birds may partially explain how albatrosses find their prey more efficiently in the apparently 'featureless' ocean, with a minimal requirement for energetically costly diving or landing activities.'
Because the camera barely affects the aerodynamic shape of the albatross, the breeding success of the birds under observation remained unchanged.
'These images are really interesting,' noted Dr Richard Phillips of the British Antarctic Survey. 'They show us that albatrosses associate with marine mammals in the same way as tropical seabirds often do with tuna. In both cases, the prey (usually fish) are directed to the surface and then it's easy hunting for the birds.'
The study, part of a project conducted under the auspices of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition and British Antarctic Survey, formed part of the International Polar Year (ICY) 2007-09 programme. The scientists said this study can fuel further research for tracking top marine predators. New information would offer greater insight on the interaction between marine animals and their environment.
For more information, please visit:
British Antarctic Survey:
(Bron foto's:
Illinois (Brookfield) Zoo Gets in the Halloween Spirit (USA)
Some animals at the Brookfield, Ill. zoo got Halloween treats early this week. Gorillas and bears wasted no time chowing down on the pumpkins, while the tigers tossed them around like soccer balls.
Inspectiedienst Dierenbescherming neemt bij 59-jarige man in Sittard zo'n 30 kleine illegale gevangen vogels in beslag
Illegaal gevangen vogels in beslag genomen
29-10-2009 De Telegraaf
SITTARD - De Landelijke Inspectiedienst Dierenbescherming heeft woensdag in Sittard een kleine dertig illegaal gevangen vogels in beslag genomen. Tegen de 59-jarige man die de vogels in kooitjes en in een volière had opgesloten, is proces-verbaal opgemaakt.
De vogels, waaronder vinken, sijzen en putters, waren veelal gevangen met netten, kooien en vogelklemmen. De Dierenbescherming liet weten dat ook deze verboden vangmiddelen in beslag zijn genomen.
Bepaalde vogelsoorten zijn in gevangenschap moeilijk te kweken, zodat vogelhouders de beestjes in het wild vangen. Populair in de volière zijn de putter, de vink en de sijs. Het vangen en houden van deze beschermde vogelsoorten is echter verboden, tenzij de vogels in gevangenschap zijn geboren.
Bij de man in Sittard was het duidelijk dat hij de vogels illegaal had gevangen. „Dit is onder meer te zien aan hun pootringen”, meldde de Dierenbescherming; een deel van de vogels was niet op de juiste wijze geringd. De in beslag genomen vogels worden als het even kan teruggezet in de natuur.