Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kitten opvang in Britse Newton Abbot, Devon, moet sluiten door recessie - Mogelijk gaan 60 kittens gedood worden: geen alternatieve opvang katjes

Sixty kittens to be put down as rescue centre closes

An animal rescue centre which has been closed by the credit crunch says it may be forced to put down 60 kittens.

31-10-2009 The Daily Telegraph, UK

Officials have failed to find a new home for them.
Each of the animals were found abandoned or homeless and were being cared for at the Decoy Kitten Rescue centre in Newton Abbot, Devon.

It works as an unofficial 'over flow' facility looking after animals when there is no room at other cat homes or the RSPCA.
But staff say because of the recession and dwindling charity donations the home is now closing down.

Around 60 kittens will have to be put down by lethal injection next Wednesday if new owners aren't found.

Kittens which are due to be killed include three week old Sam, Frodo, Bilbo and Sapphire as well as a tabby called Winks.

The rescue centre, a registered charity, was set up three years ago by Claire and John Hardwicke.
Mrs Hardwickie, 37, said: ''It breaks my heart because it feels like we've put these kittens on death row.
"If they have nowhere else to live we'll have no choice but to put them to sleep. I just can't bear it.
''The RSPCA can't take them because they're full - we are usually the overflow for them.

''The credit crunch has been an absolute nightmare for animal charities.
"So many people have been dumping their animals because of the recession and also donations are way down.

"It's also meant there have been a lot more unwanted kittens because people can't afford to pay for vet's bills.
''We don't know what to do - we are so desperate. We were last hope for these kittens - they have nowhere else to go. It's a nightmare.''

A spokesman for the RSPCA said its officers had visited the facility but confirmed its centres were full and a cull would not be illegal.

(Bron foto: Daily Telegraph)

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