Friday, November 20, 2009

3 Jaar oude jaguar in dierentuin Miami (VS) overlijdt tijdens medisch onderzoek naar maagproblemen....

Jaguar dies during medical procedure

20-11-2009 The Miami Herald, USA

One of Miami Metrozoo's two jaguars died Wednesday during a medical procedure designed to stop his stomach problems. He was 3 years old.

Palenque, who weighed 129 pounds, was one of the star attractions at the zoo's newest exhibit, Amazon and Beyond, said Ron Magill, the zoo's spokesman. Jaguars are solitary animals, so he was kept separate from his betrothed, Reina -- a female who was not yet ready for an intimate relationship.

``If you try to introduce two jaguars at the wrong time, one can kill the other,'' Magill said.

Since Palenque's arrival at the zoo in August 2007, Magill said, the cat has had off-again, on-again troubles eating his food (a combination of horse meat, vitamins and bones). On occasion, he showed symptoms of larger gastrointestinal problems.

The zoo was awaiting necropsy results Thursday.


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